Wembdon St George's | Wembdon – Admissions
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If you would like your child to attend our school, please see the guidance below. Links to further documentation are available further down the page.


Admission Limits - 2024/2025

We welcome enquiries from parents of students who require primary school education and are considering a transfer to Wembdon St George Church School. Parents who express an interest are invited to contact the school to arrange a tour with the Headteacher. The Admission Limits for each of our current classes are as follows:

The admission limits will be reviewed in readiness for the start of each academic year.

For the 2023/24 academic year we have 3 mixed year classes of Years 2 & 3 and 3 mixed classes of Year 4 & 5.

Class Admission Limit Currently on Roll
RA 30 Year R: 29
R1B 30 Year R: 15, Year 1: 14  = 29
1A 30 Year 1: 28
2/3A 30 Year 2: 12, Year 3: 14 = 26
2/3B 30 Year 2: 9, Year 3: 21 = 30
2/3C 30 Year 2: 13, Year 3: 17 = 30
4/5A 32 Year 4: 14, Year 5: 18 = 32
4/5B 32 Year 4: 8, Year 5: 24 = 32
4/5C 32 Year 4: 15, Year 5: 17 = 32
6A 32 Year 6: 22
6B 32 Year 6: 20


Class Spaces available (as of 27th January 2025)
RA 1 – Reception
R1B 1
1A 2
2/3A 4
2/3B 0
2/3C 0
4/5A 0
4/5B 0
4/5C 0
6A 10
6B 12

The admission limits will be reviewed in readiness for the start of each academic year.

Should the school have a space in the year group required, the application for transfer should be made to the school. A letter will be sent to you from the school offering or refusing a place within 10 working days of a completed application being received.

School Admission Appeals Timetable
   School Admission Appeals Timetable

For In-Year Admissions Application Appeals 

Applicable between 1 March 2025 and 28 February 2026


School Admission appeals are administered in strict accordance with the requirements of the 2022 School Admission Appeals Code issued by the Department for Education. Every parent/carer whose admission application is refused has the lawful right to appeal that decision before an independent Appeal Panel. To lodge an appeal, the applicant responsible for the admission application must complete and return the Appeal Form, which can be downloaded from the school website or requested from the Main Reception Office.


On receipt of the completed Appeal Form, the Admission Authority will arrange for an appeal hearing to take place before an independent Appeal Panel.


Starting School in September 2025 – For admission decisions issued on 16 April 2025.
For an Appeal Form submitted to the School Office by 17 May 2025 An appeal hearing will be scheduled to take place within 40 school days of 17 May 2025.


Starting School in September 2025 – For appeals lodged after 17 May 2025
Where possible, appeals lodged after 17 May 2025 will take place at the same time as those lodged before this deadline, providing there is sufficient time to make the appropriate arrangements. Otherwise, appeals lodged after 17 May 2025 will be heard within 30 school days of receipt of the completed Appeal Form.


Lodging and appeal relating to an In-Year admission application decision
The appeal may be lodged within 30 school days of the admission decision being issued in writing. An appeal hearing will then be scheduled to take place within 30 school days of receipt of the completed Appeal Form.


4. Administrative timetable
Appointment of an independent Appeals Clerk and independent Appeal Panel (a minimum of three trained persons satisfying the requirements of the 2022 School Admission Appeals Code) To be undertaken by the Admission Authority as soon as possible after receipt of the completed Appeal Form
The Appeals Clerk will notify appellants of the date and time of the appeal hearing and the names of the independent Appeal Panel members. By letter posted at least 14 calendar days before the appeal hearing is to take place (appellants may choose to waive this right of notice).
The Appeals Clerk will issue a written statement prepared by the Admissions Authority to explain the reasons for refusal and how the published Admission Arrangements have been applied By letter posted at least 7 calendar days before the date on which the appeal hearing is scheduled to take place.
Additional information relevant to the appeal may be submitted to the Appeals Clerk for distribution to all parties. May be submitted up to 5 calendar days before the date on which the appeal hearing is scheduled.
The decision of the Appeal Panel will be notified to the appellant(s) in writing. By letter posted within 7 calendar days of the appeal hearing taking place.

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