Wembdon St George's | PTA
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Raising funds to help our children grow


Wembdon St George's PTA - Raising funds to help our children grow


The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is an excellent way to bring together parents, teachers and the local community to raise money and to support the school.

The PTA provides an opportunity for everyone to work together towards a common goal. All parents, teachers and school staff can get involved even if they only have a small amount of time available.  Any support is very much appreciated!


What does the PTA do?


The PTA primarily raise funds to help the school provide resources and financial support towards class trips and special events for the children to enjoy.  Meetings take place several times a year to plan events for children and parents that will help us raise much needed funds for the school.  Recently, the PTA have helped fund the sounds system, secret garden, books and climbing frame.  PTA funds have also been used to purchase laptops, nativity costumes and Christmas party food and hats!  Coach costs for the Year 6 visit to Wells Cathedral is normally also funded by the PTA as are the Year 6 leaver photos and gifts.


Wembdon St George's PTA Website
Elected Members


Chair – Ceri Parish (email

Secretary – Dawn Gibbon

Treasurer – Esther Thayer

Fundraiser – Joanna Evans

For more information on events or if you have any ideas/suggestions, we would love to hear them at our next meeting – please feel free to pop along! Email us at


If you shop online please support the school’s PTA by shopping via Easy Fundraising. The PTA receives a free donation at no expense to you.

If you use Amazon, please consider supporting us using Amazon Smile, see You can also set this up via your settings on the app. The PTA receives a free donation at no expense to you every time you make an eligible purchase.



PTA Welcome Booklet
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