
The school governors, representing parents and staff are appointed to maintain a general oversight of school policies, the curriculum, grounds and buildings, the budget and the general conduct of the school.

The governors act as critical friends whose main aim is to ensure that our children have a challenging and stimulating time at the school and that they receive the best possible education.

Meetings of the full governing body are held monthly to consider a variety of items, and to receive reports from the head teacher concerning the life and work of the school. Sub committees also meet regularly to look at the key areas of the curriculum, finance, personnel and premises.

  • School Governing Committee

    • Mrs C Douglass  | Chair of Governors
    • Mrs N Matyjasik | Clerk to Governors
    • Mrs C Wallace | Headteacher
    • Dr M Davies
    • Miss E Dowds
    • Mr G Jarvis
    • Mrs M Bull
    • Mr P Baker
    • Mrs A Bulley

Governor Profiles
Mrs Ceri Douglass

Mrs Ceri Douglass

Chair of Governors


Ex Officio Governor – appointed by the Diocese of Bath & Wells

Term of Office: 15/01/22 – 14/01/26

Responsible for Safeguarding and English as an Additional Language (EAL)

“I am an Ex-officio foundation governor which means I represent the vicar of St Georges Church and have been appointed by the Archbishop of the Bath and Wells Diocese. I with my husband Andy have been active members of the church since we moved to Bridgwater in 1979 and I have helped run the Sunday morning children`s groups for the last 35 years well as having many other roles in the church, I currently run the toddler group on Thursday mornings.

We have 3 daughters who went to the school and during their time there I was a Parent Governor and later became a Foundation Governor, I am now a very `hands on Grandma` as I look after my 3 grandchildren when our youngest daughter is at work, her 2 daughters are in Key Stage 1 and her little son has just celebrated his second birthday so am a familiar face on the `school run`. I am also involved with the school Prayer Hour twice a term which I believe makes a difference to the day to day life of the school.”

Dr Mike Davies

Dr Mike Davies

Co-opted Governor – appointed by the Governing Body

Term of Office: 29/06/19 – 30/06/23

Responsible for Training and Induction of new Governors

“I work at Hinkley Point B Power Station and I became a parent governor in 2009 in order to help support my children’s education.

The governors work closely with the school to support it, but also to provide challenge in a constructive way. As governors, we observe the school in action, monitor it’s performance and ensure the best use is made of its resources.

I believe that Wembdon St George’s is an excellent school that strives to ensure every child is supported and achieves their upmost potential. My son moved up to Haygrove in 2012 and my daughter finishes year 6 in 2014. They have both enjoyed their time at the school and have done well; I want that to continue for other children.”​

Mrs Michelle Bull

Mrs Michelle Bull

MAT Governor – appointed by the BWMAT

Term of Office: 11/11/21 – 10/11/25

Responsible for

“Resume to follow”

Mr Paul Baker

Mr Paul Baker

MAT Governor – appointed by the BWMAT

Term of Office: 23/12/21 – 22/12/25

Responsible for

“I became a governor in  First School in Bedfordshire in 2002 then a Middle school 2003. Moved to Somerset in 2006 became a primary school governor in 2007, secondary 2010, PRU 2010 and various other schools on the request of Governor services to assist them in getting back on their feet, I also sit on the school appeals and the independent PX appeals panel along with the Somerset Strategy Board.

Miss Emily Dowds

Miss Emily Dowds

MAT Governor – appointed by the BWMAT

Term of Office: 07/02/20 – 06/02/24

Responsible for Attendance

“I was a past pupil at Wembdon St. George’s School and I am a member of St. George’s Church. I look back with fond memories of my childhood spent at the school and I believe that being happy in a safe environment has encouraged me in my educational journey, where I am now currently studying Civil Litigation.

I believe that a good primary education plays an important part in building a child’s future, where they can learn to be the best that they can be, both in education and in the community. It is a privilege to be a part of the school’s LGB and to assist in upholding and promoting the school’s ethos and values.”

Mr Hadleigh Wells

Mr Hadleigh Wells

MAT Governor – appointed by the BWMAT

Term of Office: 09/03/20 – 08/03/24

Resigned: 9th January 2022

Responsible for Health and Safety

“I have a son that attends Wembdon St George’s School and have been very happy to see him enjoy his time in school and progress well in safe and supportive learning community. I am a strong believer in the value and importance of a well-balanced education. I joined the Local Governing Body in 2020 and welcome the opportunity to work with the leadership team, Governors and the BWMAT on the strategic development of the school.

I have an Engineering and Management background and currently work within an Education Estates role, supporting Schools, Academies, Multi-Academy Trusts and Colleges in the South West.”

Mr Graham Jarvis

Mr Graham Jarvis

MAT Governor – appointed by the BWMAT

Term of Office: 21/01/20 – 20/01/24

Responsible for

“I was born in Bridgwater and have lived in Wembdon since 1976. I was employed full time in Local Government for 29 years holding various posts in the finance department of Sedgemoor District Council including accounting, wages & salaries, creditor payments and for 14 years as the Insurance Officer. In particular the Insurance Officer position required the ability to handle matters confidentially and on occasions with extreme sensitivity.

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