

EYFS Remote Learning


A maths activity will be uploaded onto Tapestry each week by Miss Marker which will be based on the White Rose Maths resources for children in EYFS.



All KS1 children will be able to access PhonicsPlay with the school password, this is provided on the help sheet and the letter each child has with their passwords. This is an online learning activity focussed on improving children’s fluency. Miss Marker will also upload a link onto Tapestry of the Jolly Phonics songs that they use with the children in class.


Teach your monster to Read is a completely free resource that supports all synthetic phonics programmes.

The games are exciting and can be accessed from laptops, tablets and phones. The children will be able to personalise their monster and gain rewards for each sound they collect. Along the way there are opportunities to read tricky words, captions and sentences. There is plenty of recall in each game along with the opportunity to blend and segment.

You can register for a free account with access to lots of resources.


Letters and Sounds

Each week Miss Marker will upload a video which will inform parents and children the sounds that they will be learning each week. The video will include how they say these words and how they write them.



In addition to Phonics Play, children in KS1 can continue to share and enjoy books by accessing Oxford Owl. This is a website that parents can register with to access quality texts.



A home learning task for the children will be set for the children based upon the topic that they are studying for the week.


Help Sheets
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