

Year 5 Remote Learning


Teachers will be using the resources from White Rose maths to support Remote Learning. These resources are used in school and the children are used to the format. There will be videos to teach skills and concepts followed by activities. Teachers will upload these to the Class Dojo platform daily. Children can complete their learning in their Remote Learning book or upload documents and photos to the Class Dojo platform.


Times Tables Rock Stars

All children in KS2 will be provided with a password to access TTRS. Teachers will allocate activities to the children and will monitor their engagement whilst Remote Learning. This is an online learning activity that the children are used to accessing in school and can be accessed via a mobile phone and tablet.



Talk for Writing is the approach we use in school to teach the children to write for different purposes and in different genres.  To support Remote Learning teachers will upload a unit of learning for the children to work through each week. Children can complete their learning in their Remote Learning book or upload documents and photos to the Class Dojo platform.



All children will be provided with a password to access Spelling Shed. Teachers will allocate activities to the children and will monitor their engagement whilst Remote Learning. This is an online learning activity that the children are used to accessing in school and can be accessed via a mobile phone and tablet, it can also be recorded in the children’s remote Learning books.


Topic – History/Geography

Each term year groups have a history or geography topic as the focus of their learning. To support the children in Remote Learning, each week teachers will upload videos and activities from either Oak National Academy, YouTube or BBC Bitesize to the Class Dojo platform, this is a national resource created for children and families. Children can complete their learning in their Remote Learning book or upload documents and photos to the Class Dojo platform.



Every term we focus on one of our Christian values. In Worship we provide opportunities for the children to reflect on how we see these values in everyday life, religion and different cultures. Each week there are 3 Worship sessions for the children to access, these will be in a PowerPoint format with hyperlinks to relevant internet pages. There are often opportunities for the children to respond which they can do in their remote Learning books or by uploading a picture or document to Class Dojo.  The senior team will upload these to the Class Dojo pages on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.



Children in KS2 will be provided with continued opportunities to develop their reading comprehension skills during Remote Learning. Each week teachers will upload a unit of learning that will provide the children with a text to read followed by a comprehension questions and book activities. This may be from a range of sources including Oak National Academy, Oxford Reading Owl or BBC Bitesize.



Each week the children will have an opportunity to continue their Relationships, Social and Health Education through Remote Learning. In school we use a scheme called Jigsaw and teachers will adapt this to provide a weekly activity for the children to complete. Children can complete their learning in their Remote Learning book or upload documents and photos to the Class Dojo platform.


Religious Education

Each week the children will have an opportunity to continue their Religious Education through Remote Learning. In school we use two resources: Understanding Christianity and Discovery RE.  Teachers will adapt these resources to provide a weekly activity for the children to complete in their Remote Learning book or upload documents and photos to the Class Dojo platform.



To support children in remote learning of science, teachers will be utilising Oak National Academy. Each week, teachers will upload videos and activities that will link to the relevant science unit that the children need to be studying as part of their science curriculum. Children can complete their learning in their Remote Learning book or upload documents and photos to the Class Dojo platform.

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